EZ Lock Blind Rack Front Camera Angle Image

EZ Lock Blind Rack®

Patented, Industry Leading Isolation and Hydrotest Blind Storage Solution
The EZ Lock Blind Rack is Available for Sale or to Rent

USA Industries' revolutionary EZ Lock Blind Rack[1] stores paddle blinds up to 24-1/4" OD, or 884 individual blinds weighing up to 12,000 lbs on a single rack. As the industry leader for renting and selling industrial isolation and hydrotest thickness paddle blinds, we are familiar with the hassles of managing large blind inventories. The patented EZ Lock Blind Rack will prevent common storage, transporation and security issues before they arise!

Key Benefits

Easy and safe transportation is important when dealing with a blind rack that could weigh as much as 13,000 lbs. Our lockable storage unit limits the movement of blinds, and with key features such as heavy duty lifting lugs and forklift skids, moving the rack around your facility is easy and safe. The proprietary auto-locking mechanisim holds the door open when accessing the blinds, and prevents injury from accidental closure.

Other lockable blind racks have unmovable stops at preset spacing, making it cumbersome to fully load the rack. These unmovable stops also take up valuable space so fewer blinds can be securely stored in place! Our patented key indexing design sizes up or down, fully adjusting to the inventory you have on your blind rack. When successfully managed, you will reduce your blind loss and theft at your plant or on the job site.

[1] Tracy Sue & Casey Sue, “Lock rack for hydro, isolation or test blinds ,” U.S. Patent 9 546 889, January 17, 2017.

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EZ Lock Blind Rack®
Line Sheet

EZ Lock Blind Rack®
Operating Manual

  • Lockable Lid Security reduces theft and blind loss
  • Patented Indexing Retainers provide safety and blind security
  • Bottom accessible Forklift Cavities
  • Overhead Heavy Lift Crane Lugs
  • Order fully stocked and receive discount
Empty Weight: 1,050 lbs
Max Capacity: 12,000 lbs / 884 blinds*
Max Blind Size 24-1/4 OD"
Blind Types: "7" or "T" handles
Height: 80"
Width: 77"
Depth: 49"
Useable Storage
Arm Length: 11"
# of Arms (Top): 9
# of Arms (Bottom): 7
Forklift Accessible Yes
Lifting Lugs Yes
Rental Available Yes

* = 884 blinds is dependent on blind sizes

Frequently Asked Questions